>-----Original Message-----
>From: Viktor Szakáts [mailto:harbour...@syenar.hu] 
>Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 8:29 AM
>To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
>Subject: Re: [Harbour] temporary table
>> hb_dbCreateTemp( <cAlias>, <aStruct>, <cRDD>, <cCodePage>, 
>> <nConnection> ) -> <lSuccess>
>> All parameters are required, but nowhere writes in doc and changelog 
>> file, what that should be given.
>> Firs 3 parameters are clear, 4 can we guess, but what is 
>> ?
>> Why 3,4 and 5 parameters are not optional ?
>They are optional.

Yes. Sorry, my mistake. Error subsystem has returned error in parameters list, 
but has not specified which part of the list.

Marek Horodyski
Harbour mailing list

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