I Agree ...Roger's way is more an "general filosophy"
Good word

Where can find info about MiniGui's command layer on qt basis?

2009/7/5 Angel Pais <amigo...@adinet.com.uy>:
> Hi Viktor
> Viktor Szakáts escribió:
>>> I can confrm that is a maitained as promise (99%) , but source code
>>> require few modification
>>> in product page i read ..To download a demo of eXPress++ 1.9 (compatible
>>> with Xbase++ 1.8, 1.82 and 1.9) Click Here.
>>> i suggest run C:\EXP19\Bin\xdemo.exe.... is requiread xbase++ run time
>>> and i don't know where can be downloaded
>> Yes, getting the Xbase++ demo isn't an easy one, plus it expires,
>> plus it needs admin rights.
>> Thanks for the links anyway, I'll try to check.
>> [ For me probably it's not an option since I don't use normal
>> SAY/GET/MENUTO in my app, but rather the customized versions
>> of these and a highly customized Browse(). Question is: How
>> many such "pure" Clipper apps are out there who can use this
>> tool efficiently. ]
> A command programming layer is the final step of xbase languages.
> Bussiness app programmers like very much such declarative way.
> Roger's way is more an "general filosophy" on how to hide class and
> funcional programming behind easy commands a non programmer can use.
> Roberto's MiniGui have done it in a more clipper way, so his success and
> hundreds of loyal followers.
>> The other question is: What's missing (if any) from Harbour
>> so that it's easy to "port" this tool from Xbase++ to Harbour?
> It only takes time, so Pritpal can repliaate the entire xbp hierachy, then
> it would be possible to recompile Roger's Expres++ and/or Clayton's TopDown.
> I myself am doing some tests to recompile TopDown.
> The other path has beeen taken by Carozo and Bruno to recreate MiniGui's
> command layer on qt basis.
> So the future is open to many alternatives and everyone will have it's own
> "flawour" on a qt-based multiplatform gui library.
> Harbour is beggining to shine !!!
>> Brgds,
>> Viktor
> My best Regards
> Angel
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