> AFAICS, right now HVM-Threads and OS-Threads models are mutually exclusive.
> So, enabling HVM-Threads just to support background process ala xhb, will
> block the usage of OS-Threads on such scenarios. Of course I may be wrong.
> So, background process (xhb) should be implemented by using the Harbour
> thread model ( the HVM or OS choosen on building Harbour time).
> May be, we just need to choose building Harbour with HVM-Threads enabled, on
> platforms that doesn't support OS-Threads.

To me this seems to be the default mode now.

As far as I understood Przemek's mail, the default setup is that we're
getting native MT support on all platforms where this is available,
plus we're getting "HVM-threads" MT implementation on platforms where
native MT isn't available (on DOS).

Plus there is a way to switch to HVM-threads on native MT platforms,
too, if someone would like for any reason, but that's not the default.

For background processes it'd be enough to implement it using normal
Harbour threading API, and it would now work on all platforms by

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