Hi , Superlib now works ok But in S3GET sample I have this error when use calcwhen( )
It's a sample problem or a Lib problem Below , error and sample code Bruno ////////////////////////// Error//////////////////////////////////// C:\Downloads\harbour\supfree\SAMPLES>s3get Error BASE/1004 No exported method: VARGET Called from VARGET(0) Called from CALCWHEN(0) Called from (b)READERS(75) Called from RATPREVALIDATE(0) Called from RATREADER(0) Called from RAT_READ(0) Called from READERS(80) Called from MAIN(20) C:\Downloads\harbour\supfree\SAMPLES> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// Code /////////////////////////////////////// #include "inkey.ch" PROC MAIN request hb_gt_wvg_default // hay que agregar esta línea local cInScreen := savescreen(0,0,24,79) local nSelect SetMode(25,80) CLS slsf_color("S3COLOR") initsup(.F.) makebox(0,0,24,79,sls_normcol() ) WHILE .T. nSelect := MENU_V("Get samples:","Readers, Whens, valids",; "Scrolling gets","Quit") DO CASE CASE nSelect = 1 readers() CASE nSelect = 2 showgetmany() otherwise exit ENDCASE makebox(0,0,24,79,sls_normcol() ) END ss_rise(0,0,24,79,cInScreen) //------------------------------------------------------------------ STATIC PROC READERS local n local lYesNo := .f. local lYesNo2 := .f. local lNumber1 := 0 local cChar1 := space(15) local cChar2 := space(15) local cChar3 := space(10) local cChar4 := space(15) local lNumber2 := 0 local dDate := date() memvar getlist @ 2,8 SAY "GET SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS" @ 4,9 SAY "...................(regular logical get)" @ 5,9 SAY "...................YNREADER() - popup Yes/No for logical fields" @ 7,13 SAY "...............PMREADER() - use +- keys for date/numeric fields" @ 9,23 SAY ".....PICKREADER() - use a picklist for a get reader" @ 11,23 SAY ".....SBREADER() - use spacebar to toggle values from" @ 12,43 SAY "an array" @ 14,13 SAY "...............CALCWHEN() - calculator as get WHEN clause" @ 16,16 SAY "............CALENDWHEN() - calendar as get WHEN clause" @ 18,23 SAY ".....SMALLVALID() - lookup table as get VALID clause" @ 20,23 SAY ".....POPUPKSET() - generic popup - F2 pops up ASCII" @ 21,43 SAY "table" POPUPKSET(K_F2,"READERS","cChar4",; {||iif( (n:=asciitable())#nil,getactive():insert(chr(n)):assign(),nil)}) @4,8 GET lYesno2 // filler @5,8 get lYesNo send reader:= YNREADER() @7,8 get lNumber1 pict "99999" send reader:= PMREADER() @9,8 get cChar1 send reader:= PICKREADER({"TOM ",; "DICK ",; "HARRY "}) @11,8 get cChar2 send reader := SBREADER({"WILMA ",; "BETTY ",; "ELVIRA! "}) @14,8 get lNumber2 pict "99999" when CALCWHEN(.f.,.t.) @16,8 get dDate when CALENDWHEN(.f.,.t.) @18,8 get cChar3 valid SMALLVALID({||!empty(cChar3)},"product",; "Select Product","%S3PROD","PRODUCT" ) @20,8 get cChar4 RAT_READ(getlist) RETURN //------------------------------------------------------------------ static proc showgetmany local i local aDesc := {"Get 1","Get 2","Get 3","Get 4","Get 5","Get 6","Get 7","Get 8",; "Get 9","Get 10"} local aGets := {"Yo!",date(),time(),.t.,1234.56,"These","Are ","scrolling",; "Gets......",.t.} memvar getlist for i = 1 to len(aGets) @maxrow()+1,maxcol()+1 get aGets[i] aadd(aDesc,field(i)) next SGETMANY(getlist,aDesc,7,10,15,60,"Editing - Multiple Scrolling Gets","ESC quits, F10 saves",1) return
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