Revision: 11466 Author: vszakats Date: 2009-06-21 10:50:28 +0000 (Sun, 21 Jun 2009)
Log Message: ----------- 2009-06-21 12:48 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 * contrib/hbxbp/ + Fixed non-debug branch to work in both normal code and codeblocks. Thanks Przemek. * Changed debug macro to generate portable HB_TRACESTRING() calls by default. This is very easy to use in default Harbour builds. To enable it's enough to set HB_TR_OUTPUT to the output filename to be used by trace calls: set HB_TR_OUTPUT=trace.log NOTE to Pritpal: To keep using special Windows debug output you need to also add -D__HB_WINDEBUG__ to HB_USER_PRGFLAGS. ; TODO: Would it be possible to add timestamp to our HB_TRACE() calls? At least the user level (HB_TRACESTRING()) ones, if that would make low level too slow. * contrib/hbxbp/tests/demoxbp.prg + Readded HB_OUTDEBUG() calls. Modified Paths: -------------- trunk/harbour/ChangeLog trunk/harbour/contrib/hbxbp/tests/demoxbp.prg trunk/harbour/contrib/hbxbp/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site. _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list