
I try hbqt and i works fine, only a warning :
$ ./demoqt
Object::connect: No such signal QTreeView::hovered() in ../../hbqt_slots.cpp:405 Object::connect: No such signal QListView::hovered() in ../../hbqt_slots.cpp:405
This is on an unstable distrib with qt 4.5.1.
But i can't use it with my stable distrib (qt 4.4.3) and it is difficult in
a stable distrib to replace qt 4.4 with qt 4.5 without breaking a lot af stuff ...
With qt 4.4.3, I remark that i can build libhbqt.a if i make :
$moc hbqt_slots.h > moc_slots.cpp

But i can't link applications (demoqt.prg for example) :

$ hbmk2 demoqt
hbmk: Processing local make script: hbmk.hbm hbmk: Processing configuration: /usr/local/bin/hbmk.cfg Harbour 2.0.0beta1 (Rev. 11360)
Copyright (c) 1999-2009, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'demoqt.prg'...
Lines 740, Functions/Procedures 18
Generating C source output to 'demoqt.c'... Done.
demoqt.o:(.data+0x38): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QT_QAPPLICATION'
demoqt.o:(.data+0x58): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QT_QAPPLICATION_EXEC'
demoqt.o:(.data+0x248): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QT_CONNECT_SIGNAL'
demoqt.o:(.data+0x448): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_UIDEBUG'
demoqt.o:(.data+0x698): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QT_QWEBVIEW_SETURL'
/usr/local/lib/harbour/libhbqt.a(TQAbstractButton.o):(.data+0xb8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QT_QABSTRACTBUTTON_AUTOEXCLUSIVE' /usr/local/lib/harbour/libhbqt.a(TQAbstractButton.o):(.data+0xd8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QT_QABSTRACTBUTTON_AUTOREPEAT' /usr/local/lib/harbour/libhbqt.a(TQAbstractButton.o):(.data+0xe8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QT_QABSTRACTBUTTON_AUTOREPEATDELAY' /usr/local/lib/harbour/libhbqt.a(TQAbstractButton.o):(.data+0xf8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QT_QABSTRACTBUTTON_AUTOREPEATINTERVAL' /usr/local/lib/harbour/libhbqt.a(TQAbstractButton.o):(.data+0x108): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QT_QABSTRACTBUTTON_GROUP'

Is there a way to use hbqt with qt 4.4 on linux ?

Thank you.


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