> I notice that make_gnu.bat creates the install directories (as reported for
> the shell version) when it is called only to build (not sure about clean)).

I don't know a good and sure way to fix this. Probably not a huge
problem in most situations. As a workaround you may set HB_*_INSTALL
dirs to invalid locations, so that they won't be created.

> I did a full rebuild on my apps, I had to manually copy cstruct.ch,
> hbctypes.ch and hbxml.ch from contrib\xhb. Is this expected?

Yes, only xhb.ch and hbcompat.ch are copied to 'include' to not
pollute it with other xhb header names which can cause potential
compatibility problems.

Actually current method of copying headers to Harbour system
header may not be the best solution. I'm still thinking on it, but
for 2.0.x I'd like to keep current state.

I'm thinking on closing the gap between ideal 3rd party lib
behaviour and contrib lib behaviour. Which means, each contrib
should keep all its files in their local dirs (lib and include).
Programs referring to them should use an .hbc file instead of
direct reference to .lib. This would solve downstream lib
dependencies and header locations in one.

This also means that contribs should eventually be switched
to use hbmk2 as their build systems. This in turn means that
they can be easily detached from Harbour contrib dir and
moved into separate repositories f.e., and overall it makes
managing contribs very simple and independent from our
make system. Contribs can easily be added/removed without
major concerns.

Unofficial distros can easily bundle new contribs, or remove
unneeded ones. etc etc. It's even easy to distribute all or
one contrib as sepearate install.

The only file which need to be stored in a known location,
with a distinct name is the .hbc file (can be in current /lib)

> Otherwise everything is perfect, congratulations on a fine job with
> hbmk2.exe.

Thank you!

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