I have to show a large dbf in a web page. The user enters some search
fields but then he needs to filter the result, sort by each column and
paginate the data returned.
I use jqgrid to show the data since with few lines I can format, order
and filter.
If you look at http://www.trirand.com/jqgrid35/jqgrid.html in the
example Loading Data / JSON Data you'll get the idea.

With a SQL server it would be easy but now I need to show the actual
records which are in a DBF and I'm trying to create a function that
simulate the select below in the most efficient way.

$SQL = "SELECT <fields> FROM <table> WHERE <cond> ORDER BY $sidx $sord
LIMIT $start , $limit"

I know the index to use so I can use SET SCOPE to set the range, now
I'm looking to the best way simulate WHERE <cond> ORDER BY <field>
<asc/desc> and LIMIT start, limit.

Any suggestion is welcome.

I'll publish the result code in the tests or examples dir.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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