On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Viktor Szakáts<harbour...@syenar.hu> wrote:

> I see. Overall to me RDDSQL looks like a proper and common wrapper
> implementation to our existing and not very much compatible solutions:
> HBPGSQL, HBMYSQL, HBFBIRD and HBODBC. And instead of direct
> API calls and Harbour classes it makes this functionality accessible
> through the existing Harbour db functions as an RDD.

Isn't it USRRDD an easier solution?

RDDSQL is written in C and only few developers here can master it
while if we create a set of USRRDD using the already existing C
interfaces, we'll potentially have more developers.

Also ARRAYRDD is a good candidate to manage "recordsets" and provide
"real time" data editing in browses so we'll have all the components
inside the same interface.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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