Randy Portnoff-2 wrote: > > The OLE interface to Excel (ie. HBOLE) is extremely slow and > memory-intensive. > > Is there an alternative to HBOLE (eg. third party product) that is > more efficient for creating XLS files? > I do it like this: 1) Build a .csv file as below ( you can modify it to use dbf instead of array ) 2) Submit the resulting file to Excel and then saveas .xls file. //----------------------------------------------------------------------// Function Array2Excel( aData, cFileName, aAttr, lHeader, lOpenExcel ) Local i, j, nRow := 1 Local oApp, oWB, oAS, nRows, cType Local cServer := 'Excel.Application' Local nColumns DEFAULT aAttr TO {} DEFAULT lHeader TO .F. DEFAULT lOpenExcel TO .T. if empty( aAttr ) lHeader := .f. endif if !Array2Csv( aData, cFileName, aAttr ) Return nil endif nColumns := len( aData[ 1 ] ) nRows := len( aData ) TRY oApp := CreateObject( cServer ) CATCH Return nil END oApp:Visible := .f. oApp:DisplayAlerts := .f. oApp:Workbooks:Close() oWB := oApp:Workbooks:Open( cFileName ) oAs := oWB:ActiveSheet() for j := 1 to nColumns cType := valtype( aData[ 1,j ] ) oAs:columns( j ):NumberFormat( if( cType == 'C', '@', if( cType == 'N', '???.??', ; if( cType == 'D', 'mm/dd/yyyy', '@' ) ) ) ) next // Columns be made visible properly for j := 1 to nColumns oAs:columns( j ):Autofit() oAs:Cells( 1,j ):font:bold := .t. oAs:Cells( 1,j ):font:color := RGB( 27,79,216 ) next if !( lOpenExcel ) oWB:Close( 'SaveChanges',.f. ) oAS := nil oWB := nil oApp:Quit() oApp := nil else oApp:Visible := .t. endif Return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------// Function Array2CSV( aArray, cCsvFile, aAttr ) Local i, s Local nRows := len( aArray ) Local nCols := len( aArray[ 1 ] ) Local aTyp := array( nCols ) Local aCsv := {} aeval( aArray[ 1 ], {|e,i| aTyp[ i ] := valtype( e ) } ) for i := 1 TO nRows s := '' aeval( aArray[ i ], {|e, j| s += X2Csv( e, aTyp[ j ] ) + if( j == nCols, '', ',' ) } ) aadd( aCsv, s ) next s := '' aeval( aAttr, {|e_, i| s += e_[ 2 ]+',' } ) s += CRLF aeval( aCsv, {|e| s += e + CRLF } ) memowrit( cCsvFile, s ) Return file( cCsvFile ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------// Static Function X2Csv( x, cTyp ) Local xVar := '' do case case cTyp == 'C' if at( '"', x ) > 0 .OR. at( ',', x ) > 0 xVar := '"' + strtran( x, '"', '""' ) + '"' elseif IsDigit( left( x,1 ) ) return '="'+ x +'"' else return x endif case cTyp == 'N' xVar := ltrim( str( x ) ) case cTyp == 'D' xVar := dtoc( x ) case cTyp == 'L' xVar := if( x, 'Yes','No' ) endcase Return xVar //----------------------------------------------------------------------// If this code had been useful to you then please tell on this list. Regards Pritpal Bedi -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/GTWVG-%2B-MS-SDK-7.0a-%28MSVS-2010-Beta%29-errors-tp23895517p23896457.html Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour