I try a reply of my point of view, naturally i want Pritpal's reply GTWVG & GTWVW have a comon structure with different syntax Either maintain compatibility with function list of GTWVT Either add gui gadget starting original wvtgui (peter rees)
GTWVW allow Multi window when native gt can't do it (2004) - GTWVW add to all specific function one parameter for windowsnumber and support original wvt by inlude wvt2wvw (and you may reverse logic) #xtranslate WVT_SETTITLE ([<vlist,...>]) => WVW_SETTITLE (NIL [, <vlist>]) nCurWindow := WVW_nOpenWindow(cWinName, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight) if nCurWindow==0 lboxmessage("Failed Opening new window!") return endif lMouseMove := WVW_SETMOUSEMOVE(,.f.) Gtwvw include internal win32 component with wvw prefix Status Bar, Timer, Tool Bar , Scroll Bar , Push Buttons, Progress Bar wvw_SetVertCaret(.t.) wvw_pbSetFont(, "Tahoma", 14) nCursor := setcursor(0) nMaxRow := maxrow(); nMaxCol := maxcol() if wvw_SBcreate() > 0 .and.; wvw_SBaddPart(, "99:99:99") > 0 wvw_SetTimer(, 1000) endif WVW_PBcreate( nCurWindow, maxrow()-4,67-11-11-11-11-11, maxrow()-4, 67+9-11-11-11-11-11, "native", NIL, {||lboxmessage("native pushbutton")}, NIL) gtwvw include good documentation in funclist.txt (i hope that this will be important requirement for contrib) GTWVG allow Multiwindow by native harbour gt function, and allow windows resize! x_ocrt := hb_gtCreate( THREAD_GT ) GTWVG include direct access wvt_function Wvt_SetMouseMove( .t. ) Wvt_SetFont( "Courier New", 18, 0, 0 ) GTWVG support native win32 component with wvg_ prefix GTWVG implement also syntax ispired to xbase part class with wvg prefix wvgdialog is compatible with xbpdialog ,wvgpushputton is compatible with xbppushbutton this allow syntax like oDlg := wvgDialog():new( SetAppWindow(), , aPos, {640,400}, , .F.) oDlg:title := "GUI Demo" oDlg:taskList := .T. oDlg:icon := 1 oDlg:close := {|| AppQuit() } GTWVG support active x ! Function MyCrystalViewer() LOCAL oCrystal := CREATEOBJECT( "CrystalRuntime.Application" ) LOCAL oReport := oCrystal:OpenReport( "PROVA.RPT" ) LOCAL oDlg, oActvX oDlg := WvgDialog():New():Create( , , { 20,20 }, { 600,400 }, , .t. ) oActvX:= WvgActiveXControl():New( oDlg:drawingArea ) oActvX:CLSID := "CRViewer9.CRViewer" oActvX:create( , , {0,0}, oDlg:currentSize(), .t. ) oActvX:ReportSource := oReport oActvX:Do( "ViewReport" ) // I do not know how it must behave oActvX:resize := {|| oActvX:setPosAndSize( {0,0}, oDlg:currentSize(), .t. ) } do while .t. if inkey() == 27 exit endif enddo oDlg:destroy() Return nil GTWVG implement a alternative way Win_SetDlgItemText( hDlg, ID_MLE , GetEditText() ) Win_CheckDlgButton( hDlg, ID_CHK_SATIS, .t. ) GTWVG documentation is promised by priplat after current huge works in qt GTWVG will be compatible with the upcoming gtqtg where possible 2009/6/4 Sudip Bhattacharyya <sudipb...@gmail.com> > > Hello Pritpal, > > After working on gtwvg for a few days, I am convinced that it is the best > way to transfer our old Clipper codes into Win32 environment. > > I am solving initial problems day by day with help from esparts (including > you). > > Can you please tell me the differences between GTWVG and GTWVW in very > simple words. I know at least one difference - <n window> parameter in wvw_ > functions. But, why it is not required in gtwvg? > > Thank you very much. > > With best regards. > > Sudip > > -- > View this message in context: > http://www.nabble.com/GTWVG-and-GTWVW-tp23866724p23866724.html > Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com. > > _______________________________________________ > Harbour mailing list > Harbour@harbour-project.org > http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour -- Massimo Belgrano _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour