What you describe may happen when an app is not releasing its
idle cycles. In my app it happens when doing something which
doesn't need any user interaction, like a long processing.

GTWVT should ideally be extended to use a second thread to
update its content, otherwise it may happen that the UI becomes
unresponsive in some situations. "Layered" window support
solved some of the artefacts, but it's not available on all Windows
versions and isn't a complete solution to this problem.


On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ)
<m.horody...@pzuzycie.com.pl> wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Pritpal Bedi [mailto:bediprit...@hotmail.com]
>>Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 2:34 AM
>>To: harbour@harbour-project.org
>>Subject: Re: [Harbour] Bug in GTWVT ?
>>marek.horodyski wrote:
>>> Why I'm return from gui back to GTWIN ?
> ...
>>ALT+Tab opens a dialog displaying applcn icons which are running
>>and when you select an icon focus goes to that icons appln window.
>>If you do not see that dialog perhaps you have redefined
>>ALT+Tab in your application which you need to investigate carefully.
>>I cannot reproduce this behavior any time.
> I too not can reproduce it in small example. However in big app it
> occurs.
> I'm trying various combinations, may in the end I can prepare a small
> example.
> "Tests under construction, please wait..." :)
> Regards,
> Marek Horodyski
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