Some time ago I did a self-contained sample program for testing the behavior of the browser because I had problems with a sophisticated Clipper program that I was adapted to (x)Harbour. Now this program has the same behavior in Clipper and Harbour. Viktor, would be interesting to include in the repository as a test?
Please, EMG, Pritpal or anyone could test it with last xHarbour: I think that it does just the opposite. IMHO If so it is very difficult to move successfully some Clipper programs to (x)Harbour and user support. -- Xavi
/******************************************************** * TEST BROWSE ROWPOS FOR COMPILER IN CLIPPER AND HARBOUR *********************************************************/ static s_nRecNo := 1 static s_nLastRec := 100 static s_lFixPos := .F. Procedure Main() Local nRow := 1 Cls @ 0,4 say 'Is current RecNo but not repositioned until FixPos .T. <F2> Change FixPos' @ MaxRow(),1 say 'Please press <Intro> to select or <Esc> to exit and <F2> to FixPos is ' while( LastKey() != 27 ) @ 0,0 say s_nRecNo picture '###' @ MaxRow(),68 say iif(s_lFixPos, '.T.','.F.') nRow := TestBrw( nRow ) enddo return Function TestBrw( nRowIni ) Local nKey, oBrw := TBrowseNew( 1, 0, MaxRow() - 1, MaxCol() ) oBrw:SkipBlock := { | n | n := iif( n < 0, max( n, 1 - s_nRecNo ), ; min( s_nLastRec - s_nRecNo, n ) ), ; s_nRecNo += n, n } oBrw:GoTopBlock := { || s_nRecNo := 1 } oBrw:GoBottomBlock := { || s_nRecNo := s_nLastRec } oBrw:AddColumn( TBColumnNew( 'RecNo #', {|| s_nRecNo } ) ) if( s_lFixPos .and. nRowIni > 1 ) Eval( oBrw:skipBlock, 1 - nRowIni ) endif oBrw:rowPos := nRowIni while( .T. ) while( !oBrw:stabilize() ) enddo nKey := Inkey( 0 ) if( nKey == 27 .or. nKey == 13 ) exit elseif( nKey == -1 ) s_lFixPos := iif(s_lFixPos, .F., .T.) exit elseif( nKey == 24 ) oBrw:Down() elseif( nKey == 05 ) oBrw:Up() elseif( nKey == 03 ) oBrw:pageDown() elseif( nKey == 18 ) oBrw:pageUp() elseif( nKey == 29 ).or.( nKey == 31 ) oBrw:goTop() elseif( nKey == 23 ).or.( nKey == 30 ) oBrw:goBottom() elseif( nKey == 01 ) oBrw:rowPos := 1 elseif( nKey == 06 ) oBrw:rowPos := s_nLastRec endif enddo return oBrw:rowPos /***** * END ******/
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