>> These solutions target _no printing_, while Sudip says
>> he's getting hangs, so maybe he has a different issue,
>> but for sure SET PRINTER TO must be added before
>> looking any further.
> hmm?...
> Another possibility is that don't have associated printer with the port LPT1
> or network resource eg .-
> net use lpt1 \\computer\resource ...

AFAIU Sudip tries it with a classic LPT1 connected to a
dot matrix printer (DMP), if this is so, we can sort out NET USE,
and maybe also potential redirectors.

It's still not clear what "printer halts" and "printing halts" means.
(does it continue? does the printer or the printing app halts?
does it do at at the same place? does it always do it?
what happens if using FOPEN()/FWRITE()/FCLOSE()? does
copy command work? what happens on different computer?)

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