----- Original Message ----- 
From: Teo Fonrouge

On 01/06/2009, at 08:02 p.m., Bill Smith wrote:

Hi Teo,
The program compiled under Clipper 5.01, but the executable didn't generate
a test.dbf file, and didn't generate any output to the terminal.
Win98, Clipper 5.01

Hello Bill, thank you for trying the sample.
It is probably that I forgot declare something important related to RDD's or
something else needed for Clipper.  You had get some error in compiling or
linking time ?
best regards,
PD: Seems that I have to dig in my backyard for my Clipper 5.2 disks :)

Perhaps an "append blank" would help initiate the file, beyond just creating
its structure.  I am not sure what you are attempting with the test program.


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