I'm trying to compile uhttp modules with hbmk2 and i got this errors:

c:\Harbour\contrib\examples\uhttpd\modules>type c:\hbmgw\bin\hbmk.cfg
# Harbour Make configuration
# Generated by Harbour build process

c:\Harbour\contrib\examples\uhttpd\modules>hbmk2 allmod.hbm -trace -info
hbmk: Autodetected architecture: win
hbmk: Using Harbour: C:\hbmgw\bin C:\hbmgw\include C:\hbmgw\lib C:\hbmgw\lib
hbmk: Processing configuration: c:\hbmgw\bin\hbmk.cfg
hbmk: Harbour compiler command (internal):
C:\hbmgw\bin\harbour.exe -n2 cookie.prg info.prg showcounter.prg
tableservletdb.prg testajax.prg -gh -w3 -o../home/cgi-bin/
Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 11153)
Copyright (c) 1999-2009, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'testajax.prg'...
testajax.prg(53) Error F0029  Can't open #include file 'common.ch'
1 error

No code generated
hbmk: Error: Running Harbour compiler. 1
C:\hbmgw\bin\harbour.exe -n2 cookie.prg info.prg showcounter.prg
tableservletdb.prg testajax.prg -gh -w3 -o../home/cgi-bin/

c:\Harbour\contrib\examples\uhttpd\modules>dir c:\hbmgw\common.ch /s
 Volume in drive C is Windows 7
 Volume Serial Number is 2825-DCD3

 Directory of c:\hbmgw\include

26/04/2009  22:30             3.807 common.ch
               1 File(s)          3.807 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
               1 File(s)          3.807 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  73.914.671.104 bytes free

c:\Harbour\contrib\examples\uhttpd\modules>hbmk2 allmod.hbm -trace
-info -ic:\hbmgw\include
hbmk: Autodetected architecture: win
hbmk: Using Harbour: C:\hbmgw\bin C:\hbmgw\include C:\hbmgw\lib C:\hbmgw\lib
hbmk: Processing configuration: c:\hbmgw\bin\hbmk.cfg
hbmk: Harbour compiler command (internal):
C:\hbmgw\bin\harbour.exe -n2 cookie.prg info.prg showcounter.prg
tableservletdb.prg testajax.prg -gh -w3 -o../home/cgi-bin/
Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 11153)
Copyright (c) 1999-2009, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'testajax.prg'...
testajax.prg(53) Error F0029  Can't open #include file 'common.ch'
1 error

No code generated
hbmk: Error: Running Harbour compiler. 1
C:\hbmgw\bin\harbour.exe -n2 cookie.prg info.prg showcounter.prg
tableservletdb.prg testajax.prg -gh -w3 -o../home/cgi-bin/

I tried some options but without success, any tip?

Many thanks,
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