Alexander S.Kresin написав(ла):
Hi All,

Since the automated procedure has been mailed only the Changelog entry header here, I post the whole entry ( possibly it's needed to update the doc/howtosvn.txt ):

2009-05-25 10:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin <alex at>
  + utils/hbformat
  + utils/hbformat/hbformat.prg
  + utils/hbformat/hbformat.ini
  + utils/hbformat/Makefile
+ Harbour source formatter utility has been added. The command line to call it:
         hbformat [-r] [options] [...@config.ini] file[s]

-r option ( recursive ) forces formatting files in all nested directories. Default options ( their values you may find commented in a provided hbformat.ini ) provides the style, accepted in Harbour prgs. The hbformat.ini must be in the same directory, where the hbformat.exe is. You can use additional ini file and point to it in a command line with the '@' before it. Options in a command line are the same, which are in ini file - for example, -lCase=no forces to not make case conversion.

  * utils/Makefile
    * Makefile has been changed to build the hbformat

Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list

Just try to format hbformat.prg.
C:\dev\harbour_bcc\bin\>hbformat.exe hbformat.prg

Initialization error          3 on line 75 : nLineVar = -1

Alexey Myronenko
Harbour mailing list

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