I wonder if anyone can help me. This compiles and links OK in an older installation of Mandriva Linux and Harbour which is set up the same AFAIK. I have other applications building OK in this new installation with both hbmk and hbmk2, however I cannot link this one which has an external C library (libk8055 - special usb device driver) libk8055 is installed in /usr/lib which is in my PATH as can be seen below. I have /usr/lib in /etc/ld.so.conf.
I have no special Harbour paths set in either installation.
I have run out of ideas after two days - what might I be missing? :-(

[...@jackodesktop husb]$ hbmk -gc -mt @usb.txt
Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 11090)
Copyright (c) 1999-2009, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Reading 'usb.txt'...
Compiling module 'usb.prg'...
Compiling module 'f_browsedit.prg'...
Lines 1228, Functions/Procedures 10
Generating C source output to 'usb.c'... Done.

[...@jackodesktop husb]$ hbcc -mt -libk8055 hbk8055.c usb.c -o husb
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -libk8055
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

[...@jackodesktop husb]$ echo $PATH

[...@jackodesktop husb]$ whereis libk8055
libk8055: /usr/lib/libk8055.a /usr/lib/libk8055.c /usr/lib/libk8055.so /usr/lib/libk8055.o

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