Alex Strickland wrote:
* harbour/contrib/rddsql/Makefile
+ implemented ODBC driver for RDDSQL
Thank you for these major contributions.
Out of interest, and in your opinion, does using ODBC instead of native
libraries make a big performance difference?
The only ODBC application I've ever tried to write in my life is
contrib/rddsql/sddodbc/tests/test1.prg, so, I have no idea that the
answer is. I would expect to be it a little slower on client part (I
mean result set manipulation).
The only reason I've wrote this is that it makes an easy access to .mdb
(or other specific MicroSoft databases), and writing of SDD driver is "a
few" lines of code, most of these "few" lines can be copied from another
SDD driver.
One more SDD driver I am thinking about is ADO SDD. But I'm not sure if
it is worth to invest time. Using IDispatch* interface will make result
set manipulation even slower (character message names should be resolved
to do IDispatch call). Using more low level interface (I guess it is
called OLE DB) requires using of many interfaces : IADOConnection,
IRowset, IColumnsInfo, ... The full list is on
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms709709(VS.85).aspx and has 81
(!) interface in specification. I do not want to put my hands on dirty
things like this.
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