On Tue, 05 May 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:


> Thanks a lot, it works great. I've successfully updated hbmk2 HU
> translation with it already.

Thanks for the confirmation.
It works in a little bit different way then the option you were talking
about. It allows to use any existing translations also from different
programs to make some automatic translation.
You were asking also about a little bit different functionality:
compare two .pot files (current empty one and the old one with
translations), translate in the current .pot file sentences which
are translated in the old one and store unused translations in old
.pot file in some new file which can be used as translation source
for manual or automatic translation in the future.
If you think it's really important then we can try to add also such
option to hbi18n though user can reach similar functionality by merging
all .pot files with translation into one big file to use it as dictionary
for -a option.

best regards,
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