Ranier Vilela escribió:
I´m a wrong or Miguel (xharbour) continue with politic "not to the credit of author"?

2009-04-24 17:49 UTC+0100 Miguel Angel Marchuet <miguelan...@marchuet.net <mailto:miguelan...@marchuet.net>>
 * include\hbapi.h
 * source\rtl\dateshb.c
 * source\rtl\set.c
   + Added setget function for TIMEFORMAT
 * source\rtl\tbrowse.prg
   ! fixed show values of datetime and timestamp fields
 * source\rtl\transfrm.c
   ! fixed transform to return proper values with datetime items.
 + tests\datetime.prg
+ Added sample test, to see how works timestamp and datetime fields. Remark that
     field timestamp is auto fill field with current datetime.

This particular job is only mine in the api supported by Walter Negro.

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