Mediator is free for 5 user mediator as you can see from official aoounce
We are glad to announce availability of
Mediator ISAM server (SQL RDD)
compatible with xHarbour 1.2.1 and
Harbour 1.0
For product description please visit
For summary of new features please visit
As usuall, the following free for commercial use
versions are available for download from
- Unlimited Mediator ISAM server for MySQL for xHarbour/Harbour
- 5-user Mediator ISAM server Enterprise for PostgreSQL
- 5-user Mediator ISAM server Enterprise for MySQL
- 3-user Mediator ISAM server Enterprise for MS SQL 7/2000/2005/2008
- 3-user Mediator ISAM server Enterprise for Oracle 7/8/9/10/11
- 3-user Mediator ISAM server Enterprise for IBM DB2/Win

2009/4/17 Massimo Belgrano <>:
> Seem that no free five user of mediator is aivable
> 2009/4/17 Massimo Belgrano <>:
>> I remember a five user version
> --
> Massimo Belgrano

Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list

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