Hi Leonardo,

> My postgresql is installed in D: \ pgsql and am using version 8.2.5. I
> believe that the Harbor at the time that this building look for LIBPQ.DLL
> to
> generate the LIBPQ.LIB. And I checked and is in D: \ pgsql \ BIN

No, for MSVC the supplied lib is simply copied, which should be
where I indicated in prev mail. Only for a few libs there is actual
generation from .dlls in case of MSVC.

> But by LIB of PostgreSQL is not my biggest problem. My biggest problem is
> that of my application is compiled without error and is not running more,
> neither with nor with MSVC and BCC, which does not change any line from
> when
> the error that was reported by the HBBLAT.
> In my application still does not use the LIB PGSQL.LIB, he is still doing.
> Only reported the problem with the LIB LIBPQ.LIB why I use it in future and
> now I'm adapting.

If you have something specific pls tell, maybe we can solve it.

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