Revision: 10928
Author:   vszakats
Date:     2009-04-24 11:45:55 +0000 (Fri, 24 Apr 2009)

Log Message:
2009-04-24 13:42 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
  * bin/postinst.bat
    + Added support for HB_BUILD_IMPLIB for mingw.
      (only when using Windows shell to build it, which is now the
      preferred method.)
      ace32 implib method was applied to most other libs, too. I didn't
      test it, it may need further tweaks. I'll tweak it gradually, with
      hbmk2 it is probably better to use implibs from native locations
      where possible (like we do for QT on all platforms and like we do
      for all non-Win platforms), so even other compilers may get
      further changes.

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