On Tue, 21 Apr 2009, Marcos Gambeta wrote:


> I am testing Harbour with Ubuntu Server 9.04 rc.
> To compile Harbour sources, i have to install the package xorg-dev, because 
> the library gtxwc do not compile without this package.
> But Ubuntu Server don't need a X-Server. Question: How to ignore gtxwc when 
> compiling Harbour in a Linux installation (console mode only) ?

For some reasons we lost auto detection from make_gnu.sh build scripts
though maybe it was only in removed ./make_gcc.sh. I do not remember.
Anyhow it should work for RPM and DEB packages.
If you are using DEB based distribution then you should use ./mpkg_deb.sh
to create DEB packages with Harbour binaries. It also automatically
detects if libx11-dev is installed and sets
    export HB_WITHOUT_X11=yes
if necessary. You can also set this envvar manually to yes/no values
to force requested behavior.
BTW as I can see the lib name used by you was xorg-dev not libx11-dev.
If xorg-dev does not provide libx11-dev aliassing then this lines in

   if [ -z "$HB_WITHOUT_X11" ] && ! test_reqpkg libx11-dev
       export HB_WITHOUT_X11=yes

should be changed to:

   if [ -z "$HB_WITHOUT_X11" ] && \
      ! test_reqpkg libx11-dev && ! test_reqpkg xorg-dev
       export HB_WITHOUT_X11=yes

otherwise GTXWC will not be created at all if you do not force it by
   export HB_WITHOUT_X11=no

Can you check it?

best regards,
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