i have find one solution!! (work for me because here not works set PATH=%~dp0)
pexports ace32.dll > ace32.def
dlltool -S C:\devl\mingw\bin\as.exe -d ace32.def -D ace32.dll -k -l libace32.a
Now the remain the problem thath not able to  manage to use libace32.a
 to actually link a Harbour executable.
 Same missing symbols demostraded by
cd \harbour\contrib\rddads\tests
hbmk2 testmg.prg rddads.hbp
undefined reference to `adsapplicatione...@0'

Wich question can post in sybase ads newsgroup regarding this problem?

Can help follow information?

>enable-auto-import option itself now serves mainly to suppress any warnings 
>that are ordinarily emitted
>when linked objects trigger the feature's use
>The -enable-runtime-pseudo-relocs switch allows these references to be 
>resolved without error, while leaving the task of adjusting >the references 
>themselves (with their non-zero addends) to specialized code provided by the 
>runtime environment. Recent
> versions of the cygwin and mingw environments and compilers provide this 
> runtime support; older versions do not. However, the
> support is only necessary on the developer's platform; the compiled result 
> will run without error on an older system.
>-enable-runtime-pseudo-relocs is not the default; it must be explicitly 
>enabled as needed.

>direct linking to a dll
> Use the dll directly by adding the bin path to the link line
>gcc -Wl,-verbose  -o a.exe -L../bin/ -lxxx

2009/4/17 Massimo Belgrano <mbelgr...@deltain.it>:
>>It worked for me after massaging it a bit:
>>set PATH=%~dp0
>>pexports ace32.dll > ace32.def
>>dlltool -d ace32.def -D ace32.dll -k -l libace32.a
> for me not work, generate a 0 byte
> I am using pexport 0.43and i have tried either dlltool 2.17.50 ,2.19.1,
> 2.15.91
> Can you help me on how create it?
>>So, for now this routine will have to be done by
>>users locally.
> I try but i not able to do
>>The third bit is that I didn't manage to use libace32.a
>>to actually link a Harbour executable. [ Same missing
>>symbols. ]
> So it is not usable ....
> afaik there is no a solution(covered problem)  for running a sample in contrib
> cd \harbour\contrib\rddads\tests
> hbmk2 datad
> ...
> c:/harbour/mingw/lib/librddads.a(adsfunc.o):adsfunc.c:(.text+0x48a6):
> undefined reference to `adscreateftsin...@72'
> c:/harbour/mingw/lib/librddads.a(adsfunc.o):adsfunc.c:(.text+0x49ee):
> undefined reference to `adscreatesavepo...@12'
> c:/harbour/mingw/lib/librddads.a(adsfunc.o):adsfunc.c:(.text+0x4a1c):
> undefined reference to `adscreatesavepo...@12'
> c:/harbour/mingw/lib/librddads.a(adsfunc.o):adsfunc.c:(.text+0x4a9c):
> undefined reference to `adsrollbacktransactio...@12'
> c:/harbour/mingw/lib/librddads.a(adsfunc.o):adsfunc.c:(.text+0x2c1):
> undefined reference to `adsapplicatione...@0'
> 2009/4/17 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>:
>> Hi Massimo,
>> You got stuck in an infinite loop, and just increasing the noise
>> I'm afraid.
>> I've explicitly covered this specific problem in my mail on Apr 1
>> (but it wasn't a joke), with a three lines which does actually work,
>> but, you apparently *still* didn't read it.
>> Sorry to say, but this really raises the question if it's worth
>> answering at all.
>> Brgds,
>> Viktor
> --
> Massimo Belgrano

Massimo Belgrano
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