Hi Viktor,

I'm trying to compile using the command below and give this error:
hbmk2 -gtgui -inc -st -trace -oSYSTEM *.prg SYSTEMP.RC

It is returning me the error below:

Error BASE/1075  Argument error: >
Called from FINDNEWERHEADERS(3064)
Called from HBMK(2449)
Called from MAIN(173)

However, if I put the files one by one. PRG compiles without errors.

I am doing something wrong?
My file. BPH is as below:

libs=hwgui hbbmcdx procmisc hbmzip hbziparc hbct hbtip hbwin xhb hbhpdf
libhpdf libpng hbblat blat version

Leonardo Machado

vszakats wrote:
> Revision: 10871
> http://harbour-project.svn.sourceforge.net/harbour-project/?rev=10871&view=rev
> Author:   vszakats
> Date:     2009-04-16 14:08:11 +0000 (Thu, 16 Apr 2009)
> Log Message:
> -----------
> 2009-04-16 16:01 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
>   * utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
>     + Added support for wildcarded input files for Harbour,
>       C, resource compiler and object input files.
>       This also works in .hbm files. Note: You must specify
>       the extension, so *.* won't work, but *.prg and *.c will.
>       Use with care, as hbmk2 will pickup everything and this
>       may not be what you want to do f.e. in our tests dirs,
>       but it can be useful if you store source files belonging
>       to the same project in one dir, or with some unique
>       filename prefix.
>       (some of these may be unnecessary on *nix platforms, where
>       the shell does such expansion already, it's still useful
>       though, as *nix users can also benefit from wildcard usage 
>       inside .hbm files)
> Modified Paths:
> --------------
>     trunk/harbour/ChangeLog
>     trunk/harbour/utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
> This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform,
> the world's largest Open Source development site.
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