Thanks Vailton, I think it can also be a good example of working with hbqt and I translated to prg. Just as exercise of programming. :) Is this wrong?
#define Qt_PlainText 0 #define QMessageBox_ActionRole 3 #define QMessageBox_Ok 1024 /******************************************************************************************* * ALERT IN PRG ( Please, NEVER use supress shortcutting! :) * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * nSelectedOption := Qt_Alert_PRG( <xText>, [<aOptions>|<cOption>], [<xTitle>], [<nIcon>] ) ********************************************************************************************/ Function QT_Alert_PRG( cText, xOption, cTitle, nIcon ) Local cOpt, apBtnOpc := {}, nSelectedOption := 0 if( !Empty(cText) ) cText := StrTran( cText, ';', Chr(10) ) WITH OBJECT QMessageBox():New() :setTextFormat( Qt_PlainText ) :setText( cText ) if( Empty(xOption) ) AAdd( apBtnOpc, :addButton_2( QMessageBox_Ok ) ) else xOption := iif( HB_IsArray(xOption), xOption, {xOption} ) for each cOpt in xOption AAdd( apBtnOpc, :addButton_1( cOpt, QMessageBox_ActionRole ) ) next endif if( !Empty(cTitle) ) :setWindowTitle( cTitle ) endif if( HB_IsNumeric(nIcon) .and. nIcon >= 0 .and. nIcon <= 4 ) :setIcon( nIcon ) endif :exec() nSelectedOption := AScan( apBtnOpc, :clickedButton() ) END endif return nSelectedOption
#include "hbapi.h" #include "hbapiitm.h" #include "QtGui/QMessageBox.h" /* * ALERT() function basead on QT MessageBox. By Vailton Renato <> * Syntax: Qt_Alert( <xText>, [<aOptions>|<cOption>], [<xTitle>], [<nIcon>] ) -> nSelectedOption * 15/04/2009 - 09:47:01 */ HB_FUNC( QT_ALERT ) { QString text; QMessageBox msgBox; //QList<QAbstractButton *> btnList; QList<QPushButton *> btnList; char *szText; PHB_ITEM pItem; BOOL fFree; ULONG ulSize, ulLen, ul; /* Text of window .. */ if (!HB_ISNIL(1)) { szText = hb_itemString( hb_param( 1, HB_IT_ANY ), &ulLen, &fFree ); if (ulLen) text.append( szText ); if( fFree ) hb_xfree( szText ); } if (text.isEmpty()) { hb_retni(0); return; } text.replace( ';', '\n' ); if (ISARRAY(2)) { pItem = hb_param( 2, HB_IT_ARRAY ); ulSize = hb_arrayLen( pItem ); for( ul = 1; ul <= ulSize; ++ul ) { szText = hb_itemString( hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItem, ul ), &ulLen, &fFree ); if (ulLen) btnList << msgBox.addButton( szText, QMessageBox::ActionRole ); if( fFree ) hb_xfree( szText ); } } else { if (!HB_ISNIL(2)) { szText = hb_itemString( hb_param( 2, HB_IT_ANY ), &ulLen, &fFree ); if (ulLen) btnList << msgBox.addButton( szText, QMessageBox::ActionRole ); if( fFree ) hb_xfree( szText ); } } if (btnList.isEmpty()) btnList << msgBox.addButton( QMessageBox::Ok ); /* Title of window */ if (!HB_ISNIL(3)) { szText = hb_itemString( hb_param( 3, HB_IT_ANY ), &ulLen, &fFree ); if (ulLen) msgBox.setWindowTitle( szText ); if( fFree ) hb_xfree( szText ); } if (ISNUM(4)) { int nIcon = hb_parni(4); if ((nIcon >= 0) && (nIcon <= 4 )) msgBox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Icon( nIcon ) ); } msgBox.setTextFormat( Qt::PlainText ); msgBox.setText( text ); msgBox.exec(); // hb_retni( btnList.indexOf( msgBox.clickedButton() ) +1 ); hb_retni( btnList.indexOf( (QPushButton *)msgBox.clickedButton() ) +1 ); }
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