I compile and run (with mingw)
hbmk2 test.prg hbtip.lib
Naturally it not work becuase smtp.mydomain.com is unknow

function main
     ? "send mail"
    cSubject="Hello Max"
    cMsg="Can Send?"
        ? "finish send"
I see finish send

hb_SendMail( cServer, nPort, cFrom, {"aTo"}, {"aCC"}, {"aBCC"},
cBody, cSubjet, ;
{ "aFiles" }, cUser, cPass, cPopServer,nPriority,
lRead, lTrace, lPopAuth)

cServer -> Required. IP or domain name of the mail server
nPort -> Optional. Port used my email server
cFrom -> Required. Email address of the sender
aTo -> Required. Character string or array of email addresses to send
the email to
aCC -> Optional. Character string or array of email adresses for CC
(Carbon Copy)
aBCC -> Optional. Character string or array of email adresses for BCC
(Blind Carbon Copy)
cBody -> Optional. The body message of the email as text, or the
filename of the HTML message to send.
cSubject -> Optional. Subject of the sending email
aFiles -> Optional. Array of attachments to the email to send
cUser -> Required. User name for the POP3 server
cPass -> Required. Password for cUser
cPopServer -> Requered. IP or domain name of the pop3 mail server
nPriority -> Optional. Email priority: 1=High, 3=Normal (Standard),
lRead -> Optional. If set to .T., a confirmation request is send.
Standard setting is .F.
lTrace -> Optional. If set to .T., a log file is created
(sendmail<nNr>.log). Standard setting is .F.
lPopAuth -> Optional. Flag to indicate that pop3 autentication is
used. Standard setting is .T.

2009/4/15 sygecom <leona...@sygecom.com.br>:
> Hi Massimo,
> Save the code below into a file. Test.prg PRG into the folder called \
> harbor \ contrib \ hbtip \ tests \ and compiled using hbmk2.exe. By
> generating the executable without error, but when I run it generates the
> following error:
> Error BASE/1081  Operation not supported: TIPCLIENTSMTP:new()
> Called from TIPCLIENT:NEW(0)
> Called from TIPCLIENTSMTP:NEW(0)
> Called from HB_SENDMAIL(0)
> Called from MAIN(9)
> ***
> o codigo usado no test.prg é:
> cServerIP="smtp.mydomain.com"
> cFrom="mym...@myserver.com.br"
> cUserName="myusername"
> cPassword="mypassword"
> aTo="leona...@sygecom.com.br"
> cSubject="Hello Bill"
> cMsg="Can you join to harbour project?"
> HB_SendMail(cServerIP,,cFrom,aTo,,,cMsg,cSubject,,cUserName,cPassword,cServerIP,,.f.,.f.,.f.)
> *****
> I am using the current version of the harbour and I am compiling SVN 5.5.1
> with BCC, do you have any tips on how to solve this problem?
> Note: In xHarbour am able to use the HB_SENDMAIL () without problems.
> Leonardo Machado
> Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote:
>> Untested
>> Refer to your smtp/pop server for info
>> function main
>>      cServerIP="smtp.mydomain.com"
>>      cFrom="mym...@mydomain.com"
>>      cUserName="myusername"
>>      cPassword="mypassword"
>>      ato=bill.ga...@microsoft.com"
>>      cSubject="Hello Bill"
>>      cMsg="Can you join to harbour project?"
>> HB_SendMail(cServerIP,,cFrom,aTo,,,cMsg,cSubject,,cUserName,cPassword,cServerIP,,.f.,.f.,.f.)
>>   return
>> 2009/4/15 sygecom <leona...@sygecom.com.br>:
>>> Hello Viktor,
>>> If not bothered, that would be put as an sample of use of HB_SENDMAIL in
>>> the
>>> \CONTRIB\HBTIP\TESTS that I can compile using hbmk2.exe.
>>> Here is giving error in everything related to HBTIP.LIB. I am using the
>>> BCC
>>> 5.5.1 for now to compile the samples.
>>> Leonardo Machado
>> --
>> Massimo Belgrano
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> View this message in context: 
> http://www.nabble.com/SF.net-SVN%3A-harbour-project%3A-10860--trunk-harbour-tp23049251p23061666.html
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Harbour mailing list

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