Hello All, First of sorry for the post, but I'm moving to Harbour, I'm full of questions to resolve. Below is another example that compiling and running without problems in xHarbour, but when you try to run with harbor it generates an error on the line 'if asc (cCaractere) == chr (13)'
************* Function MAIN ************* set print to "c:\my_file.txt" SET DEVICE TO PRINT @ PROW()+1,00 say CHR(15) @ PROW()+1,01 say "TESTE DE IMPRESSAO LINHA 01" @ prow(),pcol()+2 say "AINDA NA MESMA LINHA TESTE DE IMPRESSAO LINHA 01" @ prow()+3,02 say " ______________________________" @ prow()+1,02 say " Gerente de Compra.:" SET PRINTER TO set device to screen Open_word( "c:\my_file.txt" ) RETURN ***************************** Function Open_word( cArquivo) ***************************** local cArqRtf, arq, arq_txt, cHandle local cCaractere := space( 01 ) local cLinha := space( 01 ) local lf := chr( 13 ) + chr( 10 ) cArqRtf := lower( left( cArquivo, len( cArquivo ) - 4 ) + ".doc" ) arq := fcreate( cArqRtf, 1 ) cHandle := "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1046{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}" + lf cHandle += "\margl284\margr505\margt505\margb505" + lf cHandle += "{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs14 " fwrite( arq, cHandle ) arq_txt := fopen( cArquivo, 0 ) while .t. cCaractere := space( 01 ) if fread( arq_txt, @cCaractere, 1 ) <> 1 exit endif if asc( cCaractere ) == chr( 13 ) cLinha += "\par" + lf fwrite( arq, cLinha ) cLinha := space( 01 ) fseek( arq_txt, 1, 1 ) loop endif if cLinha == space( 01 ) cLinha := cCaractere else cLinha += cCaractere endif enddo cHandle := "}" fwrite( arq, cHandle ) fclose( arq ) fclose( arq_txt ) *open_file( cArqRtf ) Return( .T. ) **************** The error that is giving the error below: Error BASE/1070 Erro nos parƒmetros: == Called from ABRE_WORD(46) Leonardo Machado -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Error-in-function-to-create-the-Word-file-tp23046678p23046678.html Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour