After read install, in einvironment have I : [...] EDPATH=D:\WATCOM\EDDAT HB_COMPILER=owatcom HB_INSTALL_PREFIX=D:\hb-owatcom INCLUDE=D:\WATCOM\H;D:\WATCOM\H\NT;D:\harbour\include; NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=1 OS=Windows_NT Path=D:\WATCOM\BINNT;D:\WATCOM\BINW;D:\harbour\bin;D:\BATCH;D:\ExeCom; PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86 PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 79 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD WATCOM=D:\WATCOM [...]
When I run from nightly file : call make_gnu.bat %1 %2 > log-%HB_COMPILER%.txt 2>&1 Process is terminated with info (end of log file) : [d:\harbour\log-owatcom.txt] [...] ../../../../include/hbdefs.h(355): Note! N393: col(33) included from ../../console.c(73) D:\WATCOM\H\NT\basetsd.h(35): Note! N392: col(29) definition: 'INT32' wpp386 -zq -bt=NT -bm -w3 -6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -ei -zp4 -zt0 -oi+ -i. -i../../../../include ../../copyfile.c -fo=copyfile.obj make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `D:/harbour/source/rtl/win/owatcom' make.exe[3]: *** No rule to make target `cputime.obj', needed by `hbrtl.lib'. Stop. make.exe[2]: *** [descend] Error 2 make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `D:/harbour/source/rtl' make.exe[1]: *** [rtl] Error 2 make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `D:/harbour/source' make.exe: *** [source] Error 2 And install created only 2 exe files : D:\harbour>dir *.exe /s Wolumin w stacji D to dane Numer seryjny woluminu: D02F-B32A Katalog: D:\harbour\source\main\win\owatcom 2009-04-03 05:02 595 456 harbour.exe 1 plik(ów) 595 456 bajtów Katalog: D:\harbour\source\pp\win\owatcom 2009-04-03 05:02 152 064 hbpp.exe 1 plik(ów) 152 064 bajtów Razem wymienionych plików: 3 plik(ów) 2 850 816 bajtów 0 katalog(ów) 130 688 626 688 bajtów wolnych Where from is this cputime.obj ? Regards, Marek Horodyski _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list