Pritpal Bedi escreveu:
> I am trying to compile QAxBase class and recieve this error
More from ActiveQt:
Posted by A.Konrad
on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 @ 20:00
Congratulations! Can’t wait to try the new SDK!
I noticed that the ActiveQt sources are included in the LGPL SDK
package. I’m not entirely sure, but I AFAIK previous Qt versions didn’t
include them in the opensource editions. Is ActiveQt now LGPL’ed, too?
It seems this is not the case, since the build script still checks for a
vaild commercial license.
Posted by Thiago Macieira
on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 @ 21:06
ActiveQt is now part of the open source package too. We didn’t fix the
build scripts, but it’s there. Note, however, that mingw cannot compile
it: you need Visual Studio for ActiveQt.
As for the license, it’s one of those cases where the LGPL wouldn’t work
quite well, so we went for another: see for example qaxmain.cpp
Marcos Gambeta
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