I have posted question on sysbase ng of ads
on internet i have found
In not read on yahoo group
>1.- Vamos a extraer de la dll, por ejemplo ace32.dll, las definiciones:
>c:\>pexports ace32.dll > ace32.def
>Digamos, que pexports seria lo mismo que la herramienta impdef.
>2.- Despues vamos a crear la libreria libace32.a, a partir del fichero
>de definiciones.
>c:\>dlltool -d ace32.def -D ace32.dll -k -l libace32.a
>3.- Despues, tenemos que añadir la libreria a nuestro makefile.

2009/4/1 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>

> Do you think to a solution that allow same hbmk2 syntax working in either
>> enviroment?
>> HBMK2 my.PRG ace32.lib  rddads.lib -GUI -GTWVT -GTWVG  -m  -w0 -omio.exe
> Yes, I prefer this whereever possible. In your example you
> should use '-lrddads' to be compiler neutral. With ace32,
> we will see, I think MinGW should find the lib by using -lace32,
> given that ace32.dll is placed in the lib path. But for me it then
> complains about all missing symbols, so in the case of ace32,
> something more needs to be done.
> Please try to get information from the internet or from Advantage,
> as I won't be able to deal with this (I'm no ace32 user). If
> something useful can be done with this in hbmk2, I'll try to
> to implement it.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
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