> The 'f' comes from 'f'ractional part but for me any proposition
> which will not confuse user is good. IF PHP uses 'u' then we can
> also use it. We should simply chose the most commonly used signature
> which is different then: 'h', 'm' and 's'.

PHP uses u for *microsecond* (hence the "u"), and C# uses
'fff' for fraction of a second. I vote for fff, as it's more generic term.

> BTW we will have to add support for timestamp value also to GET system
> but I would like to leave it to someone more familiar with GET code.

Okay let's first see how it looks, I'll try to help, but I'm
not very familiar with this aspect of GET either. [ Otherwise
I'd have fixed the @E format problem already. ] I hope it
can be added following the date support code paths.

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