> > /half-off-off
> ALL are basically compatible, read below:
> OWatcom: I suggest you have oWatcom Harbour flags standardized as what
> other compilers use as of now. Take a look at -s and -r switch (default
> is -r which is "use register calling convention"). Other Windoze
> compiler are using -s equivalent (-s = "stack calling convention").It's
> should be OK if you're using -r but the creation of import library
> become rather clumpsy, because -r append an underscrore AFTER symbol
> name.

Thanks for the owatcom tip Andi. In OpenWatcom 1.8 -s and -r mean
something different, but the same idea can be accessed using s and r
postfixes for CPU family switches.

> MSVC,POCC,ICC and GCC are fully compatible. We can easily rename an
> MSVC-created import lib to GCC name, ie. harbour.lib->libharbour.a.
> Borland VS MSVC family only differs in an underscore. Borland requires
> an underscore IN FRONT OF symbol name. Take a look at switch -a in

Yes, problem is that it's not binary compatible, it needs implib tricks
(sometimes manual editing of .def files) and app rebuild. So it's
not very usable. I just can wonder what was the goal of Borland with this

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