Any thing of  good for you  will be good for most  fivewinh user
2009/2/27 Kleyber Derick <>

>  Massimo,
> >Harbour in last two year have follow a  choice of reliability and speed
> and now you can see result.Can you explain >context of problem that you have
> resolved  using , OVERRIDE  ..EXTEND CLASS , Can be found a solution in
> >other way?
> Well, I have some FWH classes which I have changed in order to work in all
> my apps. So when a new FWH release is come, I don`t have to change the
> original class and neither to put the new prg with the changed class in my
> app, I just use OVERRIDE or EXTEND CLASS in my own prg and all is solved.
> Anyway, Teo has showed me a way to change it to a function in Harbour, I
> will test it and give you a feedback. If you have another suggestion, will
> be welcome too.
> Best Regards,
> Kleyber Derick
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Massimo Belgrano

Albo Nazionale Informatici Professionisti 2620
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