On Sun, 22 Feb 2009, Francesco Saverio Giudice wrote:


>> This code does not need external function and you can use:
>>    #xcommand OVERRIDE METHOD <!Message!> [IN] CLASS <!Class!> WITH [METHOD] ;
>>                              <!Method!> [SCOPE <Scope>] => ;
>>              __clsModMsg( <Class>():classH, #<Message>, @<Method>(), ;
>>                           IIF( <.Scope.>, <Scope>, HB_OO_CLSTP_EXPORTED ) )
>> Such version will work even if class function has different name then
>> the class.
> As usual your solution is better ;-)
> Can you add this to SVN in hbclass.ch as standard command ?

Rather not because neither in Harbour nor in xHarbour it works in all
cases. It can simply breaks class definition and can cause unexpected
behavior when the modified class was used before as super class in
some other classes. In such case automatic and manual super casting
may cause wrong results.
So this "feature" was never working correctly in the whole [x]Harbour
Additionally adding such functionality as documented behavior may block
farther class code modification when we will have to keep it alive.

best regards,
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