I invite everybody to vote harbour as preferred clipper compiler at

Thanks to last year of hard works of our special guru harbour is
realiable and fast

2009/2/18 Massimo Belgrano <mbelgr...@deltain.it>:
> From a user's POV they are probably the same.
> Maybe there are some aspects of xhb which I don't know and could make
> the process different, but normally it's just a recompile and relink,
> feature-wise Harbour is on par with xhb, and a plus Harbour is
> cleaner, more robust, more portable and faster, it also has an xhb.lib
> which aims to provide compatibility with features we've opted not to
> include in the core product...
> Read the rest of this most interesting and helpful article at
> Clipper... Clipper... Clipper at http://cch4clipper.blogspot.com.
> Clipper... Clipper... Clipper
> http://cch4clipper.blogspot.com.

Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list

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