Hi Przemek,

(answers part 2)

> > > 8. When -l<libname> gcc option is used then <libname> should
> > >   not contain prefix (lib) and extension (.so,.dll,.a)
> >
> > hbmk does pass the stripped lib name to gcc -l option
> > already. The extension is already stripped (all of them,
> > maybe that's too harsh?). So if I understand you correctly
> > the 'lib' prefix should be stripped, too? In that case, isn't
> > that dangerous for libnames like "liblibcurl.a" when the
> > user supplies libcurl, we will have an invalid name.
> hbmk2.prg should not make any modifications in *.a parameters
> but pass them to GCC as is because GCC uses in different way
> .a archive passed directly then -l<libname> option. In the 1-st
> case for GCC it's only archive with object files which can have
> any name and can contain the path, f.e.:
>   gcc ... mydir/myobjs.a
> in the second case its library which have to be located in one
> of system library paths (or specified by -L option) and need name
> which confirms platform dependen't naming convention. In most of
> case it 'lib' prefix and valid sufix ( .a, .so, .dll, .sl, ... )
> The link precedence and rules used to overload symbols are also
> different. Sometimes this difference is important if you want to
> overload some library functions, f.e. customized getsys in Harbour
> core code but also some system libraries. To make things more
> complicated it also depends on -Wl,--start-group / -Wl,--end-group
> options and used LD.

Right now every filename passed as is (without -l) with the
extension .a is considered a library. Would it help if hbmk would
simply handle .a files just like object files? This would mean
that libs with .a ending must have to be passed with -l to make
it handled like a library.

> > > 9. We should have support for passing object archives (.a) in
> > >   link file list and then pass it to GCC without -l parameter.
> > >   Using 'mylib.a' and '-lmylib' as GCC parameters has different
> > >   meaning so mylib.a should not be converted to -lmylib but simply
> > >   passed to GCC as is.
> > I have to think about this one. Should be done, no question,
> > but I'd like to better understand. What the difference between a
> > mylib.a as object archive and a mylib.a as lib? Should these
> > non-lib .a files be supported through .hbp files? We will need
> > a separate option for it then.
> See above.
> > > 10. In GCC builds on platforms which support
> > >      -Wl,--start-group <HARBOUR_LIBS> -Wl,--end-group
> > >    (linux, mingw) we should use it to not replicate libraries with
> > >    cross bindings.
> > >    BTW current library list is not well ordered so it's not possible
> > >    to create some binaries, f.e. try hbmk hbrun.prg in some GCC builds.
> > >    It has to be updated for platforms which does not support above
> > >    library grouping.
> > I was thinking about this, but didn't reach this topic yet.
> > -Wl seems easy to add, but I don't know which platforms
> > support it and which not (mingw does support it for sure).
> MinGW and Linux.

Okay, and also djgpp, as per its .cf file.

> The rules are very simple:
> libraries are scanned for necessary dependence but after scanning it
> LD does not return to this library and begins to scan next one.
> If next library contains references to symbols which exist in previous
> one and was not necessary so far then you have to repeat the previous
> library after currently scanned one. library grouping creates a set
> of libraries in which LD returns to previous ones so you do not have
> to repeat them.
> Doubling library list is also not real solution in all cases. You can
> easy create situation when it's necessary to repeat the same library
> 3, 4 or more times.

Thanks for the clarifications, that explains it.

> > Thanks for the code. Questions 1:
> > What exactly are we solving here? Forgive my ignorance,
> > but for the whole lifespan of Harbour I've never needed
> > anything like this, maybe because I've always used
> > -n + MAIN() (and -n1 in libs).
> > Question 2: Could we find a solution which doesn't
> > need such hacks?
> The above is the only one really working solution to replicate
> Clipper behavior and using as startup symbol 1-st linked function.
> Such functionality can be implemented correctly only by linker.
> Here we are trying to make it but because hbmk is not real linker
> then it's implemented in such hackish way.
> Of course we can define MAIN() as official startup symbol and remove
> HB_FS_FIRST support from Windows compiler but it also has some bad
> side effect. I know few programmers which never use -n switch and
> have source code like:

>   ? "hello"
>   proc2.prg
>   ...
> and create different binaries from them choosing different 1-st
> .prg module.

Okay. I still can't fully see the picture here. (see my question
in answers 'part 1'.

> > I'm a bit lost here. In autumn we've discussed once
> > some possibilities for improvement here, to remove
> > the -n1 switches, I guess you talk about the same.
> > Then we've agreed on moving in on direction.
> yes, and the conclusion was that we can remove it when we will have
> hb* tool which can set information about 1-st symbol for HVM at link time.
> If you do not want to extract this symbol from source code or object
> files then as alternative you can enable in compiler setting HB_FS_FIRST
> only for one compiled file (the 1-st one) so we will have only one
> symbol registered in HVM with this flag.

Can we have a harbour compiler flag for this?

If I understand correctly, currently we have -n which
makes a FIRST for all compiled .prgs, and we have -n1
which disabled FIRST for all compiled .prgs. Perhaps
we should have another flag to enable FIRST only in
the first .prg.

> I do not see any problem here. If I do not use any compiler functions
> then this library will be ignored at link time.
> I think that it will be also good to add few contrib libraries like
> hbct or hbmzip to default library list though it's not strictly necessary.

I'd rather not hard-wire contribs into hbmk to keep dependencies
and territories clear. Plus, we also have the .hbp config files in place.
Including hbct (or hbmzip) takes this:
- hbmk <my.prg> -lhbct
.hbp gets useful when contrib needs some external libs, so you can simply
- hbmk <my.prg> examples\xhgtk.hbp
which will pick everything needed for xhgtk.hbp. That's the idea at least
I couldn't yet test it specifically for xhgtk.
We can also have a .hbp to setup all our popular and portable contribs,
I'll create such .hbp:
- hbmk <my.prg> contrib.hpb

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