Hi Przemek,
> It's not clear for me why we need this parameter.
> So far we were checking for NULL in pNewVal.
> Should we now update the whole code which uses pNewVal to 1-st
> check if nPCount >= 1 and code which uses pNewVal2 to check
> if nPCount >= 2?

> I'm finding it redundant and confusing.
> I can understand that we may want to introduce such member but
> for me it makes sense only if we change the whole HB_GT_INFO
> structure to support variable number of parameters instead of
> fixed ones. In such case we will probably need some helper
> functions or macros to initialize this structure, add new
> parameters and clear if necessary.

I wanted to detect parameter existence, you're right NULL
is just fine, it's just slipped out of my mind.

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