Hi Przemek,

Il 05/02/2009 2.50, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto:

Passing C structures as string is also bad idea.
If we do not need support for direct updating C structure
members at .prg level then it will be enough to introduce
special type of GC pointer to hold all such structures with
basic type veryfication. Below I'm attaching modified code from
message I sent two days ago to xHGtk devel list. It address such

I have read your post, but I have not understood how I can use your code passing structures between prg and c code and viceversa.
Could you kindly post an example, also of a simple structure ?

Actually I use structures using cstruct.prg in xhb.
So, using as simple example, passing a point actually I do:

----- prg ------
#include "cstruct.ch"

pragma pack(4)

/* POINT */

typedef struct tagPOINT { ;
    LONG x;
    LONG y;

METHOD ClientToScreen( x, y )
  LOCAL pt := (struct POINT)
  LOCAL cBuff

  IF PCount() == 2
     pt:x := x
     pt:y := y
  ELSE    // x is already a point
     pt := x

  cBuff := pt:value
  XGUI_API_ClientToScreen( ::Handle, @cBuff )
  pt:Buffer( cBuff )

------ c -------
   HWND  hWnd = (HWND)  hb_parnl( 1 );
   POINT * pt = (POINT *) hb_parcx( 2 );

   hb_retl( ClientToScreen( hWnd, // handle to window
                            pt    // screen coordinates
                          ) );

Best regards

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