2009/2/3 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>

> Today is still difficult compile harbour sample/contrib because one require
>> special switch , one require more file in
> This is simply not true. [ Or if you have a specific examples, please
> tell, and it will be fixed. ]
> For contribs you only need to run:
> make_vc_all or make_b32_all or make

I think that i not explain clear my idea.... sorry
i not think to How make library but how make sample exe from prg
Make opereation is different on different os and compiler
I think that a unique compiler operation (after correct set) will be more
Think write a "How to in harbour" who is different in different os/compiler
hbmk_vc is different from hbmk_b32  and from hbmk and from hbmk_gnu
gtwvg\sample\demowvg.prg for example is require differrent way
required lib and required switch must be included in source prg
my dream is
hbmk myprg and i found and i found myprg.exe created with correct lib and
switch (information writed in prg)

In multifile tests/examples you don't need <file.prg>.

> That's about it. Of course one needs to make sure
> to have a properly installed and setup C compiler.
but if i have properly setup c compiler why i must properly remeber to use
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