Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> yes, it could be also insufficient environment size.
> Now you have similar problems to the ones I have in DOS.
> It does not GPF but it begins to make some unpredictable
> things. Looks that it loses some of settings like current
> directory or make does not clean some settings when leave
> directory increasing environment size or internal current
> path setting.

I've looked up this issue, it has 32Kb of environment size, I can try to
reduce path/dpath/help and so on environment variables to see if it builds
again, but, for the long term, it could be better to find what is using this
memory and remove/change it.

> Non *nix GNU make builds makes some strange things to emulate
> POSIX environment and this can be side effect of them.
> Seems that for DOS and OS2 we should use the old code. It also
> allow parallel execution with recent modifications but is not
> such efficient because only one directory (lib) can be compiled
> in the same time so only the files inside single dir are compiled
> simultaneously.

I think that parallel compilation is a nice plus but I've lived so many years
without it that I really don't know how much it is worth on OS/2 which is no
more a mainstream OS.



|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

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