On Wed, 28 Jan 2009, Xavi wrote:

Hi Xavi,

> The return value does not include the terminating null byte in the count.
> ...
>          if( c != 0 ) ++size;
>       }
>       while( c != 0 );
> ...

I cannot find such code in hbprintf.c.
hb_printf_c() for sure sets trailing \0 byte in all cases even if buffer
is too small.

> I made a few tests with BCC and Spd add #define snprintf hb_snprintf_c
> and the basics are working but with differences in accuracy.
> ? Sql_sprintf( "Phi = %.15f", (1 + 5**0.5) / 2 ) )
> Phi = 1.618033988749895 snprintf() it's Ok
> Phi = 1.618033981323242 hb_snprintf_c()

Welcome to the fantastic world of floating point arithmetic by Borland.
Try this code with this "incredible" compiler:
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <math.h>
      #include <float.h>

      int main( void )
         printf( "[%.15f]\n", ((1 + pow(5.0,0.5)) / 2 ) );
         _fpclass( 0 );
         printf( "[%.15f]\n", ((1 + pow(5.0,0.5)) / 2 ) );
         return 0;

It's good to know that calling _fpclass()  reduce floating point
precision to 'float' type even if you use 'double' or 'long double'.
It will create problems for us also in HVM calculations if 3-r party
code execute this function, f.e. try this:

   proc main()
      ? str( (1 + 5**0.5) / 2, 20, 15 )
      ? str( (1 + 5**0.5) / 2, 20, 15 )
   #pragma begindump
   #include <math.h>
   #include <float.h>
      _fpclass( 0 );
   #pragma enddump

I'll disable _fplcass() and checking for +-inf in BCC builds.
It will fix the results and I think we should document it somewhere
to avoid possible problems which can be created by 3-r party code
which will try to use it.
   _fplcass() is forbidden in BCC builds !!!! ;-)

best regards,
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