I've read all the messages about i18n in the list, the gnu gettext
doc, the ChangeLog but I still miss sth.

I've added -j switch and #xtranslate _( <x,...> ) =>
hb_i18n_gettext_strict( <x> ) and I got the .pot file. I've translated
it and created the .hbl file using utils/hbi18n but I can't figure out
how to use it in the app.

In xHarbour, following xharbour/doc/hbi18n.txt, I used sth like:

   HB_I18NSetBaseLanguage( "it_IT", "Italiano" )
   HB_I18nSetPath( "<apppath>/i18n")
   HB_I18nSetLanguage( "<appname>_en_US" )

Is there anybody that could kindly recap out to start from a domestic
base language and add one or more translations that the user can
choose at runtime?

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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