2009-01-21 10:02 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/ChangeLog
    * cleaned some typos

  * harbour/common.mak
  * harbour/source/rtl/Makefile
  + harbour/source/rtl/strtoexp.c
  * harbour/source/rtl/valtostr.c
    * moved my HB_STRTOEXP() function to separate file

  * harbour/common.mak
  * harbour/source/rtl/Makefile
  + harbour/source/rtl/strc.c
    + added two new functions to operate on C like strings:
      HB_STRDECODESCAPE( <cEscSeqStr> ) -> <cStr>
         Decode string with \ escape sequences.
      HB_STRCDECODE( <cStr> [, @<lCont> ] ) -> <cResult> | NIL
         Decode string using C compiler rules.
         If second parameter <lCont> is passed by reference then it allows
         to decode multiline strings. In such case <lCont> is set to .T.
         if string ends with unclosed "" quoting and next call to this
         function with lCont parameter continue string decoding.
         Function returns decoded string or NIL on syntax error.
      They will be helper functions for decoding .pot files.

  * harbour/source/rtl/hbi18n.c
  * harbour/source/rtl/hbstrsh.c
    % small optimizations

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