Thanks to Harbour team I have been able to merge 8 separate apps into
a single binary that run the "apps" as threads.
I started the entire process yesterday morning and after few hours (
and few emails to the list ) I got it working. Note also that much of
the time was spent to change "clashing" function names and to change
file wide statics to thread statics.

What I found really magic is that every thread can have his own GT and
even a different GUI.
In the test the main thread is a xhgtk app that creates a trayicon
with a popup menu that launch "the original" gtxwc apps ( sth like
OpenOffice's QuickStart under Win ).

Many thanks again to all.

Now I'm investigating the possibility to call xhgtk code inside GTXWC threads.
For example it would be nice to use the gtk text editor instead of
memoedit or gtk file chooser to open or save a file. They would give a
"modern" look to the apps without much rewriting. Any suggestion is

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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