2009-01-16 21:48 UTC+0100 Francesco Saverio Giudice (info/at/fsgiudice.com)
* harbour/source/rdd/usrrdd/rdds/logrdd.prg
+ Added new function hb_LogRddValueToText()
* Changed parameters send at CodeBlocks that user can define
using hb_LogRddMsgLogBlock() and hb_LogRddUserLogBlock().
See notes.
; NOTE: Made LOGRDD more under user control:
- hb_LogRddValueToText( <xValue>] ) -> <cValue>
cValue is formatted as "[<cValType>]>>><cString><<<"
f.e.: date 31/12/2009 is formatted as "[D]>>>0d20091231<<<"
in harbour
this function already exists as local function as ValToText()
- Now bMsgLogBlock, defined using hb_LogRddMsgLogBlock(), receives
follow parameters:
cTag, cRDDName, cCmd, nWA, xPar1, xPar2, xPar3
and has to returns a valid formatted string or NIL.
In last case nothing is written to log file.
xPar1, xPar2 and xPar3 change depends from called commands.
For details see at ToString() local function.
- bUserLogBlock, defined using hb_LogRddUserLogBlock(), receives
parameters of bMsgLogBlock.
It have to return nothing, so it is under user control where to
log and the format of the log string.
Best Regards
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