> Maybe some sort of forwarder e-mail address could do the job.
>>  As I have seen in sf.net docs the only option is:
> "we only support one user-provided option to this script, the email address
> to send the notification to"
> so email will be sent using sf login name.
> This can be solved if Phil can add sf developers to ng list as valid
> senders.

Yes, if Phil can configure the list to allow mails coming from
@users.sourceforge.net, that would solve the problem.

> The other question is that, AFAIR and for description I have read,
> svnnotify will send every commit made to any file on SVN and not only to
> changelog file, as implemented on sf.net, and this I don't like.
> So, if this is confirmed, even if I like idea my vote is no because, also
> if there is more work to do, I continue to prefer a clean message reporting
> that part of changelog regarding a single commit.

I've just tested it with a real-life commit, and there is
_one_ e-mail sent for one commit, regardless of the number
of files involved. And this is completely normal.

So what essentially is happening, is that it's enough for the
committer to copy the relevant (uncommitted) ChangeLog entry
into the SVN commit window (aka "log message") (this is
unchanged compared to current practice). And a proper mail
will be sent with the given ChangeLog entry. So with the new
method we can save the manual e-mailing. Which is IMO very
nice. This new mail format - while more cryptic at first - contain
information about the trunk/branch committed, it contains the
revision number, too, which also help avoiding mistakes and it's
a pain to add manually.

It's also very nice (but your mileage can vary), that the diff
can be included. I most of the time watch the diffs manually
using SVN or WinMerge, so this one can be also saved.
It's a very good change to review mistakes, too.

Here's the mail I've got from a proper commit:
Revision: 10059

Author:   vszakats
Date:     2009-01-16 15:01:58 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009)

Log Message:
2009-01-16 16:01 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
 * contrib/examples/misc/guess.prg
   * Formatting. (just to test SVN commit hook).

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/harbour/ChangeLog
--- trunk/harbour/ChangeLog     2009-01-16 11:36:54 UTC (rev 10058)
+++ trunk/harbour/ChangeLog     2009-01-16 15:01:58 UTC (rev 10059)
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
   2008-12-31 13:59 UTC+0100 Foo Bar (foo.bar foobar.org)

+2009-01-16 16:01 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
+  * contrib/examples/misc/guess.prg
+    * Formatting. (just to test SVN commit hook).
 2009-01-16 01:30 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
  * contrib/hbct/video.c
  * contrib/hbct/pack.c

Modified: trunk/harbour/contrib/examples/misc/guess.prg
--- trunk/harbour/contrib/examples/misc/guess.prg       2009-01-16 11:36:54
UTC (rev 10058)
+++ trunk/harbour/contrib/examples/misc/guess.prg       2009-01-16 15:01:58
UTC (rev 10059)
@@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
 * $Id$

-// Guess a number
-// Date       : 1999/04/22
-// My first application (big word) written in Harbour
-// Written by Eddie Runia
-// www - http://www.harbour-project.org
-// Placed in the public domain
+   Guess a number

-extern OutStd
+   Date       : 1999/04/22

-function Main()
+   My first application (big word) written in Harbour

+   Written by Eddie Runia
+   www - http://www.harbour-project.org
+   Placed in the public domain
  local flGuessed
  local CRLF  := chr(13)+chr(10)
  local nSeed := 241
@@ -50,11 +50,8 @@

-return nil


-function Read( cPrompt )        // Simple read function.
-return __Accept( cPrompt )
+FUNCTION Read( cPrompt )        /* Simple read function */
+   RETURN __Accept( cPrompt )

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