On Mon, 05 Jan 2009, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:


>> is it possible to port functions in subject from xharbour to harbour ?
>> I'm trying but I have not enough experience at C level and with harbour 
>> internals.
>> Basically I need them to run an external program and capture output.
> It is possible, but it is not portable solution. I'm not the guru of I/O 
> redirection, but I guess Przemek will give you more precise answer about 
> it.

Except DOS which is single process system it can be ported to other
supported by us systems though I wanted to write them in a little bit
different way probably also changing parameters at least at C level.
I can make it but we will have to ask OS2 users to make tests and if
necessary update the code or inform us about problems/errors.

best regards,
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